What is Hotspotty, and how to use it for your Helium miners?

Hotspotty is an all-inclusive tool for Helium miners, ranging from single hotspot owners to group hotspots serving thousands of people. This tool, more than any other, gives you more comprehensive information about your Helium hotspots.
what is Hotspotty
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Hotspotty is an all-inclusive tool for Helium miners, ranging from single hotspot owners to group hotspots serving thousands of people. This tool, more than any other, gives you more comprehensive information about your Helium hotspots. 

In addition, Hotspotty is the most effective solution to apply when you want to optimize your hotspot and location portfolio. It also gives advanced reward scale analytics that you can’t find anywhere else.

Features of Hotspotty 

Let’s now see what this all-inclusive tool offers:

Comprehend the Network 

The first thing that Hotspotty helps you do is to picture the complicated math, equations, and rules that control the advancement of an active Helium network. If you’ve ever had difficulties understanding HIP 17 with its density target, density max rules, or the number of siblings, what Hotspotty does is simplify the entire process from the context of any hotspot on earth.

Hotspotty lets you know why your devices are relayed, offline, or suffering from a reduction in reward scale.  The advanced hotspot overview feature helps you have a clearer view of Individual hotspot status and data. It also lets you know how well they perform regarding all potential rewards, witnesses, and beacons. You can quickly point out what’s pushing forward or pulling back your reward scale.

Hotspotty dashboard
Hotspotty dashboard

Cooperate with your team 

Let’s assume you work alongside other people in managing your network. You may have Hosts, Installers, Region Managers, or Fleet Managers. You can set apart all those roles into Members or Contacts, assign labels to each of them, and enable them to have proper access.

Contacts don’t have to be internal members. They could be an installer you’d occasionally want to use or a host who does need to get paid out monthly but doesn’t need to see your entire network.

Hotspotty lets you have members in your workspace who usually get access to the inside track. You can include these to your list of members, send them an invite, and allow them to cooperate with you.

Advance your Deployment 

Now, as soon as you’ve started putting your team together, how do you advance your Helium Network Deployment? By navigating to the map section of the Hotspotty application and checking out the available tools. In late September 2021, most available tools concentrated on staying away from the wrong areas instead of looking for the best ones. Very soon, that second part will be a reality.

What does a “bad” area mean in Helium land? I see it generally in three ways :

  • Density – Regional and Local.
  • Landscape- Signals concealed by the earth.
  • Volume – Surplus Hotspots to safely connect with and begin the earning sequence.

If you want to identify a “bad” area on Hotspotty, It’s simple! Just open the application, navigate to the map section and click on it; after that, select the Hexes tab, and if you’re after specific resolutions, select the filter button.

There’s another brilliant feature you can use to run a quick check. This feature involves viewing the area where the Hotspots are very close to each other to have a “valid” witness.

You can see all your planned location addresses and their associated coordinates with Hotspotty’s location management tool. In addition, you can also see the simulated reward scale associated with the install and hotspot name. Furthermore, it also includes any location label you’ve added. At the press of a button, you can even add new locations.

Collaboration with the Helium Community 

Collaboration is one of the most excellent parts of Hotspotty. However, it will only be applicable when we all work together. Of course, you can collaborate with your internal team, and that’s good.

Managing the environment —Reach out to Hotspot Owners

You can best manage your environment by having good communication with other people. Hotspotty makes this process easy by letting you do it anonymously. You can forward a message to any Hotspot, and if the owner of the Hotspot ever notices Hotspotty, they’ll see that they got a message from someone. They may want to ignore it, or they can “claim” the wallet linked to the Hotspot from which they received the message and begin talks with you.

Managing the environment— Clone a Discord Channel

Another exciting way to invite your local team to participate is by “cloning” a discord channel based on a particular hex. You select your problem hex, clone the discord, then bring in people.

This process allows verified owners to interact and collaborate with verified owners whose hotspots may affect each other’s performance.

Coordinate Payouts 

The advanced payments management technology of Hotspotty assists you in solving one of the biggest challenges of owning a massive hotspot portfolio. This feature makes it easy to keep your partners and hosts happy without manual admin.

Hotspotty’s commission reports show you all the contacts you’ve paid commission to, including the means of payment, the status of payment, and how much commission each host received. You can also dive deep into the commission reports to see which wallet address and contacts payments have been sent to and what hotspots the agreed earnings percentage has been deducted. In addition, it’s also simple to filter all commission reports based on payment status or individual contact to enable you to review and audit accordingly.

When you’re planning on making new payments, you can decide to disburse a percentage of HNT earnings or an agreed amount in fiat currency ranges. You can still choose whether to make this method the default means of payment. Hotspotty lets you make default templates for a commission using diverse agreed percentages of shared HNT rewards, and connect them to contacts, installs, and locations. And this feature will help in the integration of the payment setup process.

Using the Dusun Hotspot miner, you can mine Helium and earn HNT without stress. Dusun Hotspot miner has a clean appearance, doesn’t require much power, and is highly resistant to water and dust. The device can reach 10 miles and consume equal power to a LED light bulb, and can also connect to a WiFi network or Ethernet Cable in a short time.


Hotspotty enables you to work smarter with your team to advance your hotspot portfolio. It also creates a platform to communicate and collaborate with your local Helium community. By letting you cooperate with other willing Hotspot partners and owners, you can learn from one another, join forces, help each other in solving problems and continually enhance the people’s network.

References : 





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