What is Z-Wave and what it can bring to home automation?

Z-Wave is a wireless protocol widely used in smart home solutions, as well as Zigbee. Z-Wave was born from an idea by Danish company Zensys that uses low-energy radio waves to make communication from appliance to appliance.
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What is Z-Wave?

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Z-Wave is a wireless protocol widely used in smart home solutions, as well as Zigbee. Z-Wave was born from an idea by Danish company Zensys that uses low-energy radio waves to make communication from appliance to appliance.

In comparison with other home automation protocols, Z-Wave creates a mesh network that allows the device to communicate with other devices more easily. Z-wave products such as lighting control, thermostats, door/window sensors, smart locks, motion sensors, and other Z-Wave devices need to be certificated to ensure the running of the mesh network. 

Z-Wave vs Zigbee vs Wi-Fi vs BLE, what are the differences among home automation protocols?

Z-Wave and Zigbee are both focused on connectivity within smart home. Based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, Zigbee is more flexible and open enough for the development and configuration of specific applications. Compared with the Zigbee protocol, Z-Wave allows any node to communicate with other nearby nodes in the communication range directly or indirectly due to the wireless mesh network technology. Z-wave is simpler than Zigbee so the development is more efficient.

Unlike Wi-Fi, where devices need to have Wi-Fi connectivity to connect to a central router, Z-Wave devices can be linked up together from the network. The Z-Wave products also need a hub to deliver data to the clouds, but the sensors and detectors don’t need to have Wi-Fi themselves.

Compared to the Z-Wave is capable of supporting various connected Z-Wave products, most Bluetooth devices cannot support mesh networking.

Why is Z-wave widely used in home automation?

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Z-Wave hub link up Z-Wave devices together

With the growth of home automation, more and more Z-Wave devices are connected to build personally smart home systems. One of the greatest strengths of Z-Wave is that when a new device is added to the smart home makes the network more robust.

With the Edge Home Z-Wave Controller, you can develop smart home solutions more flexible because of the self-programmable capability of the Z-Wave hub. Based on the Linux OpenWrt system, the Z-Wave gateway is more efficient for integrating with different platforms while getting every Z-Wave device under control. Platforms such as Tuya, AylaNetwork, Alibaba IoT, and HomeKit are supported by Dusun’s Z-Wave hub.

On the other side, the Z-Wave self-programmable devices allow the IoT solution providers and developers to build their smart home systems more easily. This is not merely about the high programming, but more than the multi-protocol (e.g. Zigbee, BLE, 3G/4G LTE) the Z-Wave hub compatible.

Linking up all the Z-Wave products together makes you schedule events and manage them online from anywhere. The hub is designed to make your home, your office, and smart buildings more comfortable and secure.

Refer to here for more details of our Z-Wave programmable hub.

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