Dusun gateway development open-source code samples introduction

Dusun IoT gateways support most connectivity protocols including BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave, etc. Users can connect the gateway with various BLE/ZigBee/Zwave devices.
Table of Contents

Dusun IoT gateways support most connectivity protocols including BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave, etc. Users can connect the gateway with various BLE/ZigBee/Zwave devices.

1. Introduction

Dusun IoT gateways support most connectivity protocols including BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave, etc. Users can connect the gateway with various BLE/ZigBee/Zwave devices. Dusun provides code samples and APIs for connecting Z-wave/Zigbee/BLE devices. Users revise little code to support their own IoT wireless devices. The gateway development flow is shown as below.

introduction dusun gateway github

2. GitHub address

Related GitHub Address :

Zigbee/Z-Wave Code Sample


BLE Code Sample


3. How to use

For Z-Wave and ZigBee devices

1) git clone https://github.com/dusuniot/Dusun_Gateway_API.git

2) revise the test.c (name and contents) according to the wiki:


3) revise ./examples/Makefile(the file name) and ./exmaples/make/arch.make (see companion wiki)

4) compile the code by make and transfer the compiled application to the gateway.

5) Power up the Zwave or zigbee device and run the application.

For BLE devices
1) git clone https://github.com/dusuniot/Dusun_BLE_Code_Sample.git

2) Add the device control code refer to pm25.c and Oximeter.c;

3) Revise ./Makefile

4) Compile the code by make and transfer the compiled application to the gateway.

5) Power up the BLE device and run the application to get data reported by the BLE device.

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