Bruce Qin

Tuya Router Gateway

The tuya router gateway is developed based on DSGW-020-3, it can be connected to tuya’s ZigBee device and WiFi device. You can control the devices via the gateway with the

Smart Adapter

The internal omnidirectional antenna for increased coverage and stability, easy to carry, and no space occupation with mini size.

Status of Home Assistant Gateways in Thailand

Some intelligent gateways in the Thai market are ideal for HA, but no one solution has a significant market share. The situation demonstrates that there is still a considerable amount

What is IoT Open Source Gateway and Why Use It?

IoT gateway open source is emerging as a critical component when it comes to building and securing a robust and reliable IoT system in order to deliver greater computational power,

Bruce Qin is currently the IoT gateway product manager from Dusun IoT. He specializes in hardware and software knowledge sharing for IoT devices, especially gateways, including modules, protocols, embedded development, and applications.


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