DUSUN LoRaWAN Makes Smart Life Even Smarter!

In the future, Dusun will continue to look forward to LoRaWAN vertical applications, including smart cities, smart meter reading, and other markets, to provide customers with high-performance, high-quality LoRaWAN solutions.
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Table of Contents

LoRaWAN gateway is a complete IoT communication solution based on LoRa technology, from terminal to IoT cloud. The system architecture includes a terminal, gateway, NS (network server), and AS (application server).

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LoRaWAN is a standard communication protocol and system architecture that makes full use of LoRa’s RF capabilities. This technology includes anti-collision, data encryption, rate-adaptive, and gateway multipath concurrent reception. It also uses very little power, has a wide range of coverage, costs very little, and has a large network capacity. LoRaWAN is a good architecture that has big advantages in terms of how much power it uses and how far it can communicate.

We have made a full line of LoRaWAN-related devices, such as the CN470, CLAA, ICA, EU868, US915, AS923, and KR923, so that we can offer our customers mature and deployable LoRaWAN system solutions.

LoRaWAN Gateway

The Dusun LoRa WAN gateway supports the simultaneous reception of several frequency points and channels. Its RF processing is better, so the system can handle more data and has a more stable network topology. As a result, a gateway is essential LPWAN equipment.

The gateway is an 8-channel indoor gateway that uses the LoRaWAN protocol and has Ethernet connectivity built-in to make setting it up easy. Furthermore, it has an onboard Wi-Fi configuration (supporting 2.4 GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi) that allows it to be established through the default Wi-Fi AP mode. It reaches a high level of dependability because of its industrial-grade components.

  DSGW-014 DSGW-090B DSGW-210B
Name Outdoor LoRaWAN Gateway Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway Lite Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway
Protocol WiFi 2.4/5G
Bluetooth 5.2
WiFi 2.4/5G
Bluetooth 5.2
WiFi 2.4/5G
Bluetooth 5.2
LoRa Frequency CN470,RU864,IN865,

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DUSUN Outdoor LoRaWAN Gateway

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DUSUN Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway Lite

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DUSUN Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway

IoT Device Platform for LoRaWAN

Bridge mode and RLS authentication are both supported by the Dusun gateway. It can connect to third-party platforms like The Things Network, Chirpstack, LORIOT, and AWS IoT Core LoRaWAN through the MQTT protocol. The DSGW-210B-cloud is perfect for small and medium-sized deployments in industrial applications because it eliminates the need for additional server and R&D investments while providing excellent execution efficiency.

The Helium network

The Helium Network is a decentralized wireless network built around WHIP on a purpose-built blockchain. Dusun LoRaWAN devices can connect to the Helium Network. There are three kinds of people who take part: Devices, Miners, and Routers. Devices send and receive data from and to the Internet. These devices are made of hardware with a radio chip and software that works with WHIP. Miners can earn tokens by covering wireless networks with purpose-built hardware that connects WHIP and Routers.

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The Things Network

The Dusun gateway uses a Linux-based OS to implement the LoRa package forwarder solution by integrating with the TTN (The Things Network) to complete the data upload channel.

The Things Network, or TTN, is a global Internet of Things ecosystem that uses LoRaWAN to build networks, devices, and solutions. The Things Network runs The Things Stack Community Edition, which is a crowdsourced, open, and decentralized LoRaWAN network. This network is a great way to start testing devices, apps, and integrations and to learn more about LoRaWAN.

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Using the packet forwarder method, the ChirpStack NS/AS can connect to and manage sub-devices through the Dusun gateway.

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The Dusun gateway uses a Linux-based OS to implement the LoRa basic station stack and connects to the AWS IoT Core LoRaWAN network server to complete the data upload channel.

AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully managed LoRaWAN network server (LNS) that manages gateways using the Configuration and Update Server (CUPS) and Firmware Updates Over-The-Air (FUOTA) features. Users can use AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN to replace their private LNS and connect their LoRaWAN devices and gateways to AWS IoT Core.

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LoRaWAN application

LoRa technology is good for low power consumption, a large number of connections, and locating and tracking IoT applications like smart meters, intelligent parking, vehicle tracking, pet tracking, intelligent agriculture and urban industry, wisdom, intelligence community, the application, and domain.

Smart parking

LoRa technology can save a lot of money on construction costs because it can be used in many different ways. At the same time, a LoRa gateway can control and monitor the use of LoRa sensors in hundreds of parking spaces in real-time.

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Follow-up on logistics

Terminal battery life is a must-have for tracking or targeting the market. A good example of hybrid deployment is the tracking of logistics. LoRa makes it easy for logistics companies to set up local offices based on where they need to be.

Smart water management

Installing LoRa modules on water meters can save money on labor costs and make the whole process of making, managing, and servicing water systems more refined and dynamic, making them “smarter.”

Smart meter reading

LoRa modules are also often used to read smart meters in cities. The data acquisition equipment in the distribution box sends the amount of electricity each household uses each month to the Lora module. The Lora module then sends the information to the remote control center through the gateway. The low cost of the Lora module can be promoted on a large scale, which helps build smart cities.

Monitoring the environment

Monitoring the environment is a huge, well-planned project. Using old-fashioned human monitoring will lead to a lot of waste and trouble. This problem can be solved with LoRa technology.

Install the LoRa module in the environment and send real-time data about things like temperature, wind speed, water level, flow, and sediment using its low-cost, long-distance, and multiple-node features.

Smart agriculture

Agriculture needs sensors that use little power and don’t cost much. The use of sensors that measure temperature, humidity, salinity, and other things is very important for increasing agricultural output and decreasing the amount of water used. These sensors need to send data to the ground regularly, and LoRa is perfect for situations where many remote farms or farmlands don’t have cell phone coverage, let alone 4G/LTE.

LoRa makes it possible to connect agricultural nodes with no communication costs, low power consumption, low cost, and long transmission distance. This makes it possible for large-scale applications in agricultural fields.

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For example, when monitoring water quality, carbon dioxide levels, temperature, humidity, pests, and diseases, the collected equipment data can be sent to the control and dispatch center via the LoRa module. Based on real-time data analysis, automatic irrigation, automatic spraying, and other actions can be taken.

Final Thought

In the future, Dusun will continue to look forward to LoRaWAN vertical applications, including smart cities, smart meter reading, and other markets, to provide customers with high-performance, high-quality LoRa gateway solutions.

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