
How to Choose a PLC Gateway for My IoT Project?

PLC IoT gateway is a combination of PLC and IoT gateway, which is widely used in industrial scenarios. PLC gateway includes sophisticated features like data logging, alarm management, remote access,

What is a Modbus Gateway Converter in IIOT?

Modbus gateway device, also known as modbus protocol converter, is often used in industrial Internet of Things and building automation. The modbus iot gateway is divided into Modbus RTU gateway

Multi Protocol Gateway For Smart Home System

Dusun IoT provides a set of smart home solutions based on multi protocol gateway, dedicated to improving the flexibility and efficiency of home automation hub. This solution can realize intelligent

How Bluetooth 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 Compare

Bluetooth has seen many revisions in its technology. While its original purpose was to replace wired serial communication, the methods of transmission have evolved over each iteration of Bluetooth. Examples

IoT engineer, integrating the most cutting-edge IoT technology and information, interested in smart home related technologies and equipment.


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